The implemented quality and environmental management system includes: design, production, trade and services in the field of electronic and electromechanical devices as well as machining. The system includes the location of the company on 8 Toruńska St. in Gliwice.
The quality policy of MERAWEX is aimed at ensuring high quality of production, trade and services that meet legal requirements as well as requirements and expectations of customers, while limiting the identified impact of our company and operations on the natural environment.
We try to implement the above by:
- manufacturing activity that meets the established time standards, within which the number of complaints should aim at zero
- project activities aimed at building the offer of new products, while meeting all formal requirements regarding the legality of the product,
- commercial activity aimed at showing positive operating profit while meeting the requirements of the legality of the goods and taking care of customer satisfaction,
- service activity ensuring the use of potential company's capabilities by offering their use to other entities (Service Bureau) and ensuring effective service of our devices in accordance with the client's expectations,
- compliance with laws, legal regulations and other requirements, including local conditions, also contained in contracts with our clients, suppliers and other interested parties in the field of quality and environmental protection, and concerning the operations of our company,
- improvement of technological processes and modernization of devices and facilities to improve the quality of products, reduction of harmful effects on the environment, including prevention of pollution and improvement of environmental effects of operations,
- applying ecological criteria when designing new products and modernizing currently produced goods,
- raising ecological awareness of employees through systematic training, in accordance with the needs of the existing Company Management System
- rational use of environmentally friendly materials for production, energy and fuels in the carried out processes
- selective collection, storage and minimization of post-production and packaging waste, as well as transferring them to specialized and authorized external entities
The policy is appropriate for the purpose of existence and to the context of the organization, including the nature and scale of environmental impacts of its activities, products and services.
Policy is the foundation of the implemented and continuously improved quality and environmental management system compliant with the ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 standards and supports the strategic direction of the organization's development.
The policy of our company is available to all interested parties and has been communicated to all persons working for or on behalf of the MERAWEX Sp. z o.o. company.